Melanie McAllister took on the title of Station Manager back in May of 2020. She stepped out of her 9 to 5 job, and in faith took on this new opportunity in ministry, as the old station managers were moving to a new State.
"I've always had a passion for music arts and technology. Back in High School my friends and I would hang out in a loft above our church in Tonasket, and we would talk about turning the space into a radio station some day. God knew what he was doing when he gave me the passion, and brought me this new opportunity in media ministry.
Being thrown into something I knew nothing about was definitely intimidating, but God has lead me every step of the way. I am very thankful to have my team, and a group of listeners who have continued to support us in this new stage while we figure out more and more.
We are making new changes every day to help spread the light and love of Jesus Christ, both to our community and to areas we may never see physically. Thank you for listening to KGTC Radio, and may you be blessed by it just as your support has blessed us!"

KGTC was founded in 2007 by Pastors Randy and Cindi McAllister as a ministry of Valley Christian Fellowship / Ruth's House of Hope located in Oroville, Washington.
KGTC Radio has always had a Vision to teach about Jesus Christ and to encourage people of all ages
around Okanogan County, and the world.
KGTC is the first and only radio station located in Oroville Washington.
10 years of prayer was how long it took (from the original filing in 1997) for this station to become a reality, and to receive an FCC License in order to start broadcasting.
God impressed on Pastor Randy McAllister's heart to "get behind closed doors" and that started the journey to what is heard today by every person that tunes into KGTC. The vision and heart of Pastor Randy has always been to have an effective way of reaching into the hearts and lives of people that might otherwise be impossible to reach with our limited influence and resources.
We pray that our station will reach and strengthen people who are in a time of need in their lives, and lead them to the transforming power of Christ, that they would accept Jesus as their personal Savior, Comforter and closest Friend.